Search address to find occupants - get current occupants
Search a UK address to find Occupants
You want to know who lives at an address to find occupants.
This is not as easy as it seems.
Few issues:
1) not all the occupants are shown
2) online search websites or even tracing tools may show an occupant, however, they may have moved
So to get conclusive current occupant information is difficult, however, based on our 15 years of tracing experience, here is our advice on how to get some information.
Visit the local library or history centre in the area -
Shows full Electoral Register occupants. If you search online on an instant search website you may only see "edited" Electoral Roll occupants. Every voter can tick a box to opt-out from the "open" version.
It's cheap. You just book an appointment and go view the register.
You can view the whole street if you want as it should all be on one page.
It's updated once a year. Not 100% reliable. if you get a list of occupants you have to do some more detective work such as call a directory enquiries and give the names. See if they have a telephone number listing or check if they own the property. You could even send a signed for letter via Royal Mail and then check if received online.
Visit the local library or history centre in that area. You may have to call them first, however you can see the full Electoral register showing occupants. The online version people have the choice to opt-out of the online version. They can hide themselves. At the library or history centre for that area, you can view the full version. There may be a small fee and you may have to book an appointment.
An occupancy search with residency score.
Our basic system is updated regularly and shows a residency score. This shows how likely the occupant is at the address.
It's cheap and you can order online. (order below).
Timescale is 1-5 working days
You can request a new search every few months
It's updated every months which is a big plus.
our informatiion includes other data as well in addition to voter's record. Online instant searches only show open Electoral Roll information.
You can add on a bonus which checks if there is a telephone listing or an ex-directory telephone listing. This often is a high indicator the person is still present at the address. We can even check who owns the property for you.
Not 100% reliable.
Better than an online search, however, you may not get occupancy dates for all. Just a residency score of very high, medium etc
Any person who may have moved in the last few months may still show as "very high" residency score, so you may need to request a new search in a few months.
Instant search and results - 192.com.
No need to pay. Search first
It will show you if there are any occupants for the current year. Look out for the latest available dataset year.
Updated once a year.
You may have to buy a batch of credits.
Click here to search 192.com. Their search by address feature.
Bonus tip
You can use all of the options to try and work out who the current occupants are. There is no conclusive option to know 100%. You may need to do your own work.
Other ways to gather information.
Check who owns the property. If the property is rented then it will show the landlord, and not the occupiers. If it shows as Leasehold and Freehold choose leasehold. Click here to search Land Registry
You could get a physical agent to carry out discrete checks. Click here
You could call directory enquiries and give the name that you have and check if there is a listing.
You could send a letter signed for by Royal Mail and then check online if received.
it is not as easy to confirm the current occupants for a property, however you can get close using the options above,
Good Luck with whatever option you choose with your reverse address lookup UK.
Good Luck with whatever option you choose with search address to find occupants solutions

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