Find out who owns a house in the UK - get name of owner
Find out who owns a house in the UK
You want to know who the owner is of a house in the UK.
The best option is to search the Land Registry for £3. Look out for the title register. If the search reveals 2 titles - a freehold or a leasehold then most often it is the leasehold that you want. On some occasions, you may find the title is described with many other properties. In that case, it is possible a council owns the house, however that is not 100%. If you notice that the title description has many properties, especially for leasehold, then possibly this property owner is not an individual.
Click here to search the Land registry
To find out previous property owners click here.
Want a discrete search or an Official copy admissible in court ?
If you search via the Land Registry then the house owner can request a freedom of information search. This shows everyone who has searched their property. If you want a discrete search then we can search for you.
Our searches are Official.
Our documents are admissible in court. Official copies. The version from the Land registry website is the same, however the version from the website is not an official copy. It is the same information however.

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