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Find someone by maiden name

Find someone by maiden name

You want to find someone using their maiden name. You want to find that person's current address.or Facebook page. 

Use these techniques then follow the options below.

Feel free to send us a message via live help. Happy to help. thank you

So you have the maiden name. 

When were you last in touch? if it was a very long time ago try and find a marriage record then get the spouse's name. Click here to search findmypast

If you can't find the marriage record you can get their birth certificate and get the names of parents and their full date of birth. Then search for the death record for the parents or check probate records. If you get the death certificate this will give you more clues.They could be next of kin. You may find a sibling.  Click here to search findmypast

Another way is to check old addresses at the local central library or history centre in that area then get names of occupiers living there at the same time.

If the person you want to find using maiden name you were last in touch after 1996 then use our trace service option below. 

Our first advice  find friends or family of theirs on Facebook. Check their friend's  list to see if the person you want to find is there. They may be there with their married name. 

Another option to find someone by maiden name in the is to search Just enter their name and see what you get. if you have an approx. age, place of residence or who they live with then you have a better chance of getting the match. To search with other occupants at the same address choose "advanced" then enter both names. This is a good option because you can search before you pay. 

click here to search

The final option to find someone by maiden name is the option with the most success. It's a search that we offer. We can search by using a date of birth, part of a date of birth, a previous address, or a mobile number, timescale 1-5 working days. mobile number option too. great customer service even after report.. Click here to view our own trace to find an old friend using maiden name uk use name, date of birth, previous address. use previous address from 20 years ago. . 


It is not easy to find someone by maiden name. They could have married, and re-married, or divorced. It can be tricky. If you want to be your own detective, then find the friend's birth match by searching for their maiden name on, then try to find their marriage, then check who they married. Get the married name, and the spouse's name then use the 192 option (advanced search) or our custom trace option to find a match. You can even search for any children and then try to find them if they are over 18.

Still stuck? send us a message on live help. happy to help to find someone by maiden name

Extra tips on find someone by maiden name

find siblings then try to find them especially a male. Find the birth record, then search again with just surname and mother's maiden name to see possible siblings.

Search using maiden name to find marriage records.

Order birth certificate then ask us to carry out a forename and date of birth search then check each surname with the maiden name to see if there was a marriage record. pre 2005 mariages only.

Find the parents and trace them.

Find parents death then try to go that way

Click here to search findmypast