white pages directory UK
White pages directory UK
Phone number, reverse phone, residential address, Electoal Roll and more
telephone directory online
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enter name and area if known
telephone directory enquiries
Try directory enquiries via another company.
192.com offers a free online directory enquiries service, allowing you to search for UK telephone numbers without incurring the costs associated with traditional 118 services.
To use this service, visit their Directory Enquiries page, where you can search for residential and business listings by entering a name and location. Registered users can perform up to 20 free searches per day.
Additionally, 192.com offers a telephone directory service called 118 119, which provides directory assistance when you're away from your computer.
For further assistance or inquiries, you can reach out to 192.com through their contact page.
Find a person's address - residential
Click here to view our trace using name, date of birth and previous address
Who lives at this address
Click here for our guide on who lives at this address. who the occupiers are
Who owns this property
The best option is to search the Land Registry for £3. Look out for the title register. If the search reveals 2 titles - a freehold or a leasehold then most often it is the leasehold that you want. On some occasions you may find the title is described with many other properties. In that case it is possible a council owns the house, however that is not 100%. If you notice that the title description has many properties, especially for leasehold, then possibly this property owner is not an individual.
Click here to search the Land registry
To find out previous property owners click here.
Discrete search? click here
Reverse phone lookup
click here to revrse a mobile or landline
Electoral roll search
The electoral roll, also known as the electoral register, is a list of individuals eligible to vote in the UK. It contains the names and addresses of registered voters and is updated annually. There are two versions: the full register, used for electoral purposes and limited legal uses, and the open register, which can be purchased by anyone for any purpose. Individuals can opt out of the open register to protect their information from being sold.
192.com is a UK-based online directory that provides access to various public records, including the edited (open) electoral roll. It allows users to search for people, businesses, and places across the UK. The platform aggregates information from multiple sources, such as the open electoral register, Companies House, and Land Registry, offering a comprehensive search tool for locating individuals and businesses.
To search the electoral roll on 192.com, you can visit their Electoral Roll Search page. Keep in mind that access to certain details may require registration or payment. Additionally, individuals who have opted out of the open register will not appear in these searches
click here to search 192.com
this page was about white pages directory uk. thank you