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Who lived at this address 1996 to present.

Address Occupancy History from 1996.

You want to know all occupants listed at an address from 1996. 

The first option is to visit the local library or history centre in that area. You can look at each year of the Full Electoral Register and it will show you all voters registered at that address at that time.

You can also go back from 1950 onwards.

We can also search for you via our systems.

We can search from 1996 onwards.

Our data is Electoral register and also non-Electoral register so we have more information.

Our timescale is 2 working days 

The local history centre is a good option, however, you still need to pay to book a session. If you want to search for many years then it could be a good option for you. Our information includes non-voting register information so we have more information.

We will include all past occupants and the year range if shown. In addition, the approx age if shown. We will also show if the information came from the voter's register or from other sources. 

Good Luck with whatever option you choose to get an address history check. 

Who lives at this address UK


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